Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Usher Sign-Up Form and Rental Schedules

I have emailed the Usher sign-up form and the schedules for the upcoming rentals through December 11.

The form and the schedules can also be found here on the blog.  For the form, click here.  For the schedules, click here.

If you have any questions, I will be back in the office on Monday.

I hope everyone has a very happy Thanksgiving!



  1. how many opera performances are ushers expected to sign up for?

  2. There isn't a minimum or maximum number of opera performances that an usher is expected to sign up for. Signing up for just one performance of each show does make scheduling more difficult and it does make seating more difficult.

    The best way to sign up is to pick at least three performances of each show and indicate your first, second and third preference. Please notate if you only want to be scheduled for one of those, or if you are willing to work more.


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