Friday, August 9, 2013

2013-14 Season Usher Schedules

Thank you for your help in making this new scheduling process a success!  The schedules for the 2013-14 season are now posted here on the blog and are being mailed and emailed out on Monday, August 12.

There are still some coverage needs for certain teams, primarily Team Handel and Team Beethoven.  If you are willing to work on one of these teams, please take a look at the schedule of performances and see if this might be an option for you.  Remember, an upside to doubling up is that it gives you more opportunities to see an opera if one of the performances you’re already scheduled for sells out.

Your schedule sheet lists the team roster down the left side of the page.  Across the top are the performances each team will work.  If you follow the row for your name across the page, you will see call times for each performance.  If you told me that you are not available for a performance, you will see “Excused” in a shaded box for that show.  Please note that if you are on Team Bizet (Sunday matinees) you do not work all Sunday matinees, only the ones listed.  Also, if you are on Team Rossini (Weekend matinees), you do not work all matinees that fall on a weekend; you work only what’s listed on your sheet.

This year ushers will not have to submit time sheets.  Each usher will be credited with four hours for each performance they work.  House Managers will keep track of those who are dismissed early or do not show up and will check in with me periodically throughout the season so that we are all up to date with hours.  If you are dismissed early from a performance, you will be credited with at least two hours for that shift.

If you are a new usher, please note the usher training dates on the Volunteer Events Page.  Ushers perform an essential safety and customer service function at the opera and must attend training prior to their first shift.  If you are not able to attend the dates listed, please contact me to set up another time.  If you are a veteran usher, you may also attend these training sessions if you feel you need a refresher course!

If you have any questions at all about any of the schedules or events, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I’m looking forward to a fantastic season and to seeing you all again!


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